Decoding the Differences and Similarities between Permanent Dentures and Dental Implants

Decoding the Differences and Similarities between Permanent Dentures and Dental Implants

A Swift Comparison Between Permanent Dentures and Dental Implants

A multitude of reasons can contribute to tooth loss, including gum disease, tooth decay, cancer, and dental trauma. Do you have missing or damaged teeth? The landscape has evolved, offering more advanced alternatives beyond conventional dentures and implants for missing teeth. Several people think that permanent dentures and implants are synonymous terms. You are probably one of them. Let us understand that these two procedures are not the same. Let us decode the similarities and differences of these two procedures.

Permanent Dentures

Permanent dentures are the best alternative to temporary dentures. Your fixed dentures are secure, so there is no need to worry about them slipping or falling out. Unfortunately, many people experience this problem with temporary dentures. As the name suggests, permanent or non-removable dentures are fixed permanently without causing any slip or fall out.

This new form of tooth replacement uses implant-supported dentures. These devices come with a prosthetic teeth row attached to a framework. The fixed dentures don’t slip or change positions when you chew, bite, or eat. The two primary components of these dentures are 4 to 6 dental implants and a full set of dentures. Seek the help of an experienced implant denture service provider to achieve the best results.

Dental Implants

Dental implants are accepted as one of the most effective tooth replacement options available today. This permanent replacement procedure does not cause any damage to the surrounding teeth. The primary components of implants include a prosthetic crown, abutment, and a titanium tooth root.

Comparison in Cost, Longevity, and Procedure

The permanent dentures cost ranges from $15,000 to $25,000 per arch. When it comes to dental implants, you need to pay between $3000 and $5000 per implant. What do these figures convey? Implants are a more affordable option if you have to replace one or two missing teeth. On the other hand, permanent or fixed dentures are a better cost-saving option when replacing several or entire teeth at once.

There is nothing really to choose between these two procedures as far as durability is concerned. You can expect both to last around 20 years with proper maintenance and care.

The installation of these two procedures is pretty similar. The dentist performs the surgical insertion of implants into your jaw bone. However, the dental implant procedure allows you to install even a single implant. Installation of 4 to 6 implants is necessary for permanent dentures. This is the fundamental procedure difference between these two methods.


Understanding the distinctions between permanent dentures and dental implants is crucial. Permanent dentures offer a stable yet removable option, while dental implants provide a fixed, natural feel. Choosing between them hinges on factors like durability and lifestyle. Both options have unique benefits, catering to individual needs. To decide, consider aspects such as maintenance and long-term outcomes. Remember, consulting with a dental professional is vital for personalized guidance in achieving optimal oral health goals.