Cavities, dental abscesses, or even tooth loss can result from tooth decay that causes harm to your teeth. Certain bacterial species that may reside in tooth plaque are responsible for its action.
The bacteria in plaque can convert the carbs in your diet into acids. These acids may start to harm your teeth if plaque is allowed to accumulate over time. Deterioration of the teeth occurs in stages. This article will go over each of the five phases of tooth decay in-depth, as well as how to treat and prevent it.
· Demineralization at first:
A kind of tissue known as enamel makes up the outer coating of your teeth. The most mineral-rich tissue in your body, enamel, is the most challenging tissue in your body.
In contrast, a tooth's enamel loses these minerals due to plaque and bacterial acids.
When this happens, you can see a white spot developing on one of your teeth. The loss of minerals in this region is the first indication of tooth decay.
1. Decaying enamel:
Persistent dental decay will cause the enamel to degrade even more. A tooth area that was formerly white may start to become brownish. Cavities can form as enamel deteriorates, commonly known as dental caries or small holes in your teeth. To fill any cavities, visit your dentist.
2. Deterioration of the dentin:
Below the enamel is a layer of tissue called dentin. It is softer than enamel, making it more susceptible to acid damage. As a result, when tooth decay enters the dentin, it advances more quickly.
Additionally, dentin includes tubes that connect to the tooth's nerves. Because of this, when tooth decay affects the dentin, you can begin to feel sensitive. This may be most noticeable while consuming hot or cold food or beverages.
3. Pulp harm:
The pulp is the tooth's deepest layer. The nerves and blood vessels that are required to keep the tooth healthy are housed there. The nerves in the pulp of the tooth also give it a feeling.
The pulp may get inflamed and swell if it sustains an injury. The surrounding tissues in the tooth may pressure the nerves because they cannot enlarge to accommodate the swelling. Pain may result from this.
4. Abscess:
Bacteria may enter the pulp when tooth decay spreads, resulting in an infection. An abscess—a pocket of pus that develops at the base of your tooth due to increased dental inflammation—can develop.
Teet abscesses may result in agonizing pain that may extend to the jaw. Other symptoms that might be present include fever, enlarged lymph nodes in your neck, and swelling of the gums, cheeks, or jaw.
Now let’s discuss the prevention of tooth decay:
Preventing tooth decay involves practicing proper oral hygiene. Use the following advice to shield your teeth from the damaging effects of dental decay.
- Use a fluoride-containing mouthwash every day to rinse. Certain rinses also contain antiseptic chemicals to help destroy the microorganisms that create plaque.
- Use dental floss or interdental brushes like the Oral-B Interdental Brush, Reach Stim-U-Dent, or Sulcabrush to clean your teeth every day.
- Eat wholesome, balanced meals and avoid eating too many snacks. Avoid eating anything that can leave a residue on your teeth, such as chips, pretzels, and candies. If you consume anything sticky, wash your teeth right away.
- To prevent decay on the chewing surfaces of your rear teeth (molars), ask your dentist about using dental sealants, a plastic protective covering.
- Enjoy some fluoride water. To prevent tooth decay, children should drink at least one pint of fluoridated water daily.
- Ask your dentist if using more fluoride, which strengthens teeth, may be beneficial.
Dental plaque contains microorganisms that can damage teeth, causing tooth decay. The deterioration of teeth occurs in five phases. Early stages are frequently recoverable, but advanced stages can harm a tooth permanently. To avoid these issues, preventive was thus mentioned.